Friends with Benefits Blog
Finding a friend with benefits is a numbers game - but not all the time so careful!
When it comes to any type of dating, there is usually a numbers game element to it all. You have to meet a certain number of people, talk to a certain number of people, and yes, get rejected by a certain number of people before you find your fuck buddy at any given point in your life. This means that you have to put yourself out there and stay resilient in the face of all the rejections that you may face. This can be tough to do. We are wired to find rejection hard. I was once told that this was because when we lived in tribes, being rejected by your tribe equalled death. You could not...
Find a friends with benefits at work
Welcome to friendswithbenefits, the website where we help you find someone for a no strings attached relationship. It could be long-term, short term or even a one-night stand. Most of our members are very open to different ideas about how sexual relationships should work which includes duration! The site has been specifically built to bring together like-minded individuals for some no harm fun, and we hope that you find it. The fun I mean, if you take my meaning.
So, once you decide you want a friend with benefits at work, how do you go about getting one? Well, the first step is as...
Always go on amber, never wait for green
When it comes to finding a friends with benefits, hooking up or finding a fuck buddy, there is a natural hesitancy that can occur. Adult dating, like any dating, has its pitfalls and traps. Sometimes you meet someone, and they like you but you don’t like them. Sometimes you like them but the feeling is not returned. Sometimes you sleep with someone and are keen on a second meeting, but they are not up for it. Regardless, all of these experiences can breed insecurity, cause the hurt of rejection and cultivate internal fear. Some people (wrongly) think that just because they have a friends...
Coming Out Of Lockdown!
Everyone is excited to be coming out of lockdown in 2021, we can see family and friends, go out for meals and dates, however more importantly you can start seeing your friends with benefits again!
We have all missed interaction with one another but how about the fun, the sex, the excitment of getting back into bed with your FWB!!!
There are many pros to having a sex partner, sex buddy, friends with benefits.
You don't have to have any awkwardness in the setup that you have, you know where you stand with one another.
No need to meet up with each other's friends...
How to stay stimulated during second lockdown...
What a year 2020 was, 2021 here we cum!
We’re sure you’re feeling horny and confined. I mean, who isn’t!
Why not speak to people in the same boat! Surely it’s better to speak with those who are also frustrated, aroused and titillated, than go it alone ;)
Friends with benefits is the perfect place for everyone to get exactly what they want and need right now. There are some real advances to having friends with benefits, despite lockdown, which we will explain further below.
Despite being unable to meet, you can still maintain your current casual relationships (or...
How to create the most attractive dating profile to get the most attention
Creating an attractive profile is really important online. Before anyone wants to chat, flirt or even meet, they want to know who they are talking to. Here are some tips to make sure your profile catches the eyes of as many ‘friends with benefits’ as possible.
Choosing the right pictures is the first step.
Use recent photos. We’d recommend adding photos taken of you within the last year. Better yet, why not take a selfie now and upload it straight to your profile. Remember, no one wants to hookup with someone who looks 10 years older than their profile photo...
Getting Laid After Lockdown
Apparently, if you have 20/20 vision you have perfect eyesight, or at least that's what the opticians tell us. However, our vision within 2020 is definitely not so perfect with many of us struggling to navigate our way through the challenges life after lockdown has brought.
I mean let's be honest, if you were single when the pandemic began then like many of us you were wondering what this would mean for your sex life; especially considering the Government's advice was
Stay home.
Protect the NHS.
Save lives.
Which to us sounded more like...
Social Distancing and Friends with Benefits
The UK and the World is a very different place since social distancing measures have been adopted.
Dating itself is has changed too with many people turning to casual dating sites to get their "flirting fix" and share nude snaps etcHowever, Boris Johnson recently announced that the next stage in easing the lockdown will be the introduction of the "Support Bubble".
The Support Bubble has been put in place to allow one household to form a social bubble with another household which is great news if you're looking to line yourself up a friend with benefits!
Lockdown Casual Dating during Coronavirus Crisis
It's safe to say that by now we are all very much getting used to the practice of social distancing in an effort to rid the World of COVID-19 or Coronavirus.
However, while many men are staying indoors to help flatten the curve they are looking for other curves elsewhere in the form of making friends with benefits online.
Many single women who are isolating at home have also turned to adult dating sites for entertainment as they upload saucy profiles and pictures and receive compliments and engage in naughty chat with guys from their local area and also the rest of the...
Why Friends with Benefits are Better than Ghosting
Regardless of sexual orientation, anyone can be a "ghoster" and anyone can also be "ghosted" and it can also be for any number of reasons; but mainly "ghosters" lack maturity and respect and as hard as it might be the best way to retain your respect and reputation is to be open and honest about your intentions even when it comes to a one night stand.
Many believe that ghosting is the kinder approach to calling off a no strings relationship but as long as you're honest from the get-go about only wanting to be friends with benefits then that should avoid any upset down the line as...